604 240 6460 ppelletier@telus.net

New Book Contribution

I contributed to a colleague’s new book, “Say Yes to Project Success”. The authors interviewed 108 project management experts, including me, asking key questions about how to achieve project success. The result is an excellent book filled with the wisdom of global PM gurus who led over 2000 projects in 119 countries. Here’s a link to the book.

Dealing with Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

A recent article on Inc.com provides practical advice on what to do if a leader in your workplace is accused of sexual harassment. This article help deal with what is, sadly, a common workplace reality for many of us. Sexual harassment isn’t just disrespectful and unacceptable – it is also illegal in many countries. That is why it’s essential to respond!

Workplace Happiness Article published

I’m grateful to have another article on workplace happiness published in ProjectTimes magazine. Diversity and Workplace Happiness – what a great combination! More organizations are connecting the dots between employee engagement and workplace happiness – the link is diversity.

Diversity and Workplace Happiness

Diversity and Workplace Happiness